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State Nickname: The Keystone State

State Motto: Virtue, liberty, and independence

State Bird: Ruffed Grouse

This bird is called the Ruffed Grouse. This bird is not the state bird but, is the game bird by an act of the Pennsylvania Legislature on June 22, 1981

State Flower: Mountain laurel

State tree: Eastern Hemlock

The Mountain Laurel is the state flower of Pennsylvania because, the governor of Pennsylvania in the 1930s that the Mountain Laurel will be the 

The Easter Hemlock became the state tree in 1931. This tree grows white pines which really contributes to Pennsylvania's economy.

State Animal: White-Tailed Deer

The White-Tailed Deer is the state animal of Pennsylvania and was designated as the official state animal in 1959.

How Pennsylvania got it's name.

William Penn is the founder of Pennsylvania and is an early quaker. On March 4, 1681 King Charles II gave William Penn land because, King Charles II owed William's dad. Now the land is now known as Pennsylvania.

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